How difficult will it be?

Since Traveling Yogi, LLC typically teaches to new yogis, the classes are designed for all levels, with more of an emphasis on beginner level. No full inversions (head stands or hand stands) during our classes.

If you can stand, sit down on the floor, and lie down on the floor, you will be just fine in the Standard Class!

You might be thinking to yourself, “I can’t do yoga because I am not flexible.” Well I am here to tell you that flexibility has nothing to do with it. It is important to remember that in yoga, there are no goals with the poses. Everyone has different bodies, and every body has its own limits. No two bodies are alike, and for that reason, everyone’s yoga poses will look a little different. This concept is not only recognized, but celebrated with Traveling Yogi. So don’t worry if you don’t touch your toes when you bend over at the waist when your neighbor can touch the floor. Touching your toes is not the goal. Feeling a good stretch in the hamstrings is what is important in a standing forward fold.

Also keep in mind that your limitations may change day to day. Several factors impact one’s yoga practice including other recent forms of physical activity, recent injuries, recent quality of sleep, eating habits, and stress levels. Try to not feel discouraged if a pose is more challenging on one day compared to the last.

For those with physical limitations, the Chair Class is a great alternative. Accommodations will be made for any students who are pregnant, disabled, or in a wheelchair.

Modifications/alternatives will be given at appropriate times for more advanced yogis.

Finally, in yoga, it is always best to listen to your body. If a pose is uncomfortable or too strenuous, it is best to back off slightly.